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Old 09-02-2013, 08:49 AM   #39 (permalink)
the fastest seeker
Dark Force Defense League

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Text Cut: Schuylerrr
Originally Posted by Cedric View Post

Interesting. It almost sounded as if Cassia had met Olly herself. Maybe they had? Though maybe they hadn't. Of all the Hogwarts students.. "Aah. Yeah, maybe sometimes." Maybe some home-schooled students were sheltered, but Olly seemed anything but sheltered. And Schuyler had the feeling that the girl's difficulty with people stemmed from a place separate from anything that had to do with how she went about her previous years of schooling. Her mind lingered on her other friend until some words broke her from her thoughts.

Schuyler smiled and nodded to Cassia's theory that one's definition of a 'good school' could not be complete without having good friends. "I think you're right, Cassia." Maybe she would be one of those friends..

Another nod. "Yep, I got to explore Diagon Alley and all its shoppes." Or, most of its shoppes. She glanced over at the girl when she mentioned that she had had the opportunity to intern in Diagon Alley this past summer. And, if Schuyler wasn't mistaken, it looked like something she was quite proud of. "That's really cool - what kind of stuff did you do?" The Leaky Cauldron was one place where Schuyler hadn't gotten to dine.

As she was walking, she turned away from Cassia to look forward. Hey.. there was Olly! Hah. What a coincidence. A grin flashed over Schuyler's face and she took the blonde's arm as she looked to her again. "That's Olly! She's the one I just told you about." The fifteen-year-old cast her eyes on Olivia Clarke again, and she lifted her arms so her hands flanked either side of her mouth as she called out, "Olly!"

Yeah? yeah! Schuyler agreed! Then it wasn't just Cassia thinking so then. IT was a common fact to the public yet the snake had just found out about it. Man, how come no one told her. Next time when she decided to welcome new students to school, the first thing she wanted to do was asking whether they were home-schooled. If the answer was yes, she was leaving! Let someone else handle it. Now, she only needed to remember.

She knew she was right but she didn't she knew, might be taken as a sign of cockiness. She so wasn't! LIES. Good think, Schuyler agreed, this girl was cool. No really, she was.

The frog was officially in her stomach. The sugar had a magical effect on her. She felt refreshed and all the strength that was drained out of her after the story-telling was refueled. She totally could tell another story, now! Eeeh, probably not a very good idea. She uncapped her water bottle and chugged from it while listening to Schuyler. Awesome, so she's been to the Alley. "Umm..Mostly waitressing as well as cleaning the guest rooms, changing bed linens. That kinda of stuff," Sounds less interesting being said though. They weren't that boring when she did them.

Who was Schuyler calling....? O___O


Text Cut: Olly!
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
After a few interruptions on the way - like checking to see how fast the train was actually going in one of the compartments - Olly had finally made it to the front of the train somewhere. Or close to it anyway. Somehow she wasn't entirely sure how long the train was so she couldn't be sure where she was exactly. But she had definitely made it further towards the front.

And she still didn't quite know how to get off it.

Though, she figured that she could just slip away at Hogsmeade station, owl her parents and have them come pick her up there. They would understand right? That was like the ultimate reason for her not to go to Hogwarts. Meaning she could stay home. Somebody had DIED. And not just somebody. A STAFF MEMBER. Like what kind of place was this Hogwarts school where Dementors could just roam the grounds freely and eat people. Or their souls.

Even worse. Sort of. Why was she even-

Someone was calling her name. Stopping Olly mentally (or perhaps verbally too) cursed her lack of height as she realized she was surrounded by people taller than her. Meaning that she couldn't actually see much. But that was definitely her name being called. Standing on her tiptoes she glanced about quite frantically until..."Schuyler!" Thank Merlin she had found her! Maybe they could get off the train together.

Her sole focus was on her friend as she elbowed her way through the crowd and towards her. "We can't go to Hogwarts." She stated once she'd reached her. "Somebody was killed there last year." That was reason enough, yeah? Definitely. It was only then that Olly realized Schuyler was NOT alone. No. That rude girl who had told her about the groundskeeper in the first place was with her. Great. "Ask her!" She pointed her finger at Cassia's face, almost poking her in the eye in the process.

Talk about coincidence.

Cassia's jaw dropped open seeing who Schuyler's friend was. But hey! At least she now knew the angry girl's name? That's an up to the situation. Though, when Olly was getting closer, the snake's only thought was to GET AWAY before the angry one started yelling about dead people again and making a scene. Not to mention saying Cassia's name in the same sentence as /died/. She still wasn't over it, you know. Bad luck! Totally!

However, it was crowded and by the time she recovered from her shock and decided on fleeing, Olly has already joined them. Could she still duck and dissolve in the crowd. Perhaps it was too late.

As Olly started explaining to her friend, the blond didn't speak a word. Maybe if she didn't speak she won't be noticed. Somehow she kept trying that technique and it barely ever worked. It was worth the shot. And not surprisingly, it did not work. "First, calm down," Cassia said taking a step backwards. HER EYE PLEASE! Thank you. She kinda needed both. "There kids around, no need to freak them out." She could only think of how many of those heard her yelling in the back cars. Poor things, must be terrified now. The Slytherin insisted she had nothing to do with it. Noope.

"And hey, people die all the time," That was definitely the smart thing to do. "It won't happen again," Hopefully. Then turning to Schuyler she said. "It was an accident." Please do not freak out, you toooo. "The Headmistress said there will be ministry people and you know..." She kidna forgot what the red-headed said. MAybe she should make something up! Sure. "Some measures taken to prevent it from happening." Bunz totally owed her for making her sound like a Headmistress who so far didn't lose three professors on her watch. You're welcome, Bunz! Too bad Cassia couldn't show off about it.
I may not have the softest touch-----------------------I may not say the words as such

And though I may not look like much -----------------------------I'm yours
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