SPOILER!!: Claudette
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Once she had finally made it onto the platform, Claudette realized that she had been just in time for the train, spotting it just as it pulled into the station. She had stood watching for a moment, nearly lost in the hustle and bustle as hoards of students made their way to the train, before heading that way herself. On her way, she had run into her cousin who was there alone after seeing his girlfriend off. She chatted with him a moment before boarding the train, pulling her wheeled trunk behind her with one hand and carrying her owl's cage in the other.
The 16 year old walked through the train's corridor slowly, green eyes absorbing her surroundings as she looked for a compartment.. or a place to put her luggage. Was there a separate compartment for that or was she meant to keep it with her? The corridor was crowded, filled with kids her age and many of them younger, and she weaved through a few, nearly being knocked over causing her to move more to the side and pausing for a moment. Alright.. she really needed to figure out what she was doing or where she was going.
She spotted a blonde girl about her age just ahead of her and Claudette took a few brisk steps in her direction. Hopefully she was not new unlike herself and the girl she had met at the barrier so she would be able to tell her what to do with her luggage. "Hello," she began in her moderate French accent, friendly smile laying on her lips. "Cute shoes.." She glanced at the other girl's footwear, then was about to say something about the luggage situation when she heard a voice. Oh.. was she in the way?
Claudette stepped to the side of the rather crowded corridor, glancing up at the person demanding people to move as she walked by. The back of that blonde head looked rather familiar. "......Minerva?"
Minerva had her had towards the compartment door when she heard her name. So close.. so so close.. All she wanted was to sit and compose herself, but she was a prefect now. She couldn't do that if someone needed her even if she looked horrid at the moment. Shoving some of her blonde hair behind her ear she turned puffy blue eyes searching for the voice that said her name. Eyes falling on Claudette she gave the weakest smile.
Had she yelled at Claudette to move and not even noticed. Where was her head. She was never mean to anyone and her first day as prefect and she was yelling at new students. Once that could probably use her help.
"Hey Claudette" She walked over to Ethan's cousin and gave her a small hug.
"Did you find everything alright, I'm so sorry we didn't meet up on the platform. It was just Ethan and I and.. " She trailed off looking away and taking a deep breath.
Turning her focus she saw Mika and smiled, giving her friend a hug.
"Mika how are you?" She looked to Claudette,
"Have you two met?" That would be great if they did.
"Where is Kaiden? I would have assumed he'd be right around you. I haven't seen him all summer. I tried calling him when I was at my grandparents but got no answer." She wondered where her friend had been hiding.