Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
Cassia re-positioned the trunk and sat it next to her as she leaned a bit on it. The cage was a feet away, though. Maybe someone would steal it and she'd get rid of her evil owl! YEAH?! Someone steal it please? Would it be too fishy if she out a sign? Probably. Tearing her attention from the cage, she turned to the younger girl. "Glad to hear that," She responded to the girl's answer. Y'know, it was summer, everyone should have fun, because although school was fun with friends and such, some things would still be missed. Like for the fifteen-year old, she missed riding her bike around her town. Also, her cats.
"I have had a very enjoyable summer," She answered smiling. Her summer was very interesting. She had lots of fun and barely got time to sit at home and do nothing! "How're your rats?" She asked motioning to the two that were perched on Sonea's shoulders. Was it weird to ask about them? She hoped not. She and her friends checked on each others pets so hopefully Sonea wouldn't find it weird.
Pets were important you know. So asking about them was a good thing. And Cassia already knew that the third-year cared about her pets so she might like knowing people were checking on them.
The other girl sat down next to her on her own trunk and than she saw it, she had a cage with her with... a owl! Oh, owls were eating rats and mouses! A little nervous she tried to see if the cage was safely closed and if not if it was wise to hide her two rats to keep them safe. She didn't wanted to lose her rats and that they would be eaten by a owl! She had already almost lost them during her second year, in the forbidden forest... So no, she didn't wanted to stay to close to any rat eating animal! But, maybe was this owl a vegetarian, was that even possible for animals? Hmmm, she didn't knew but she hoped that this owl would be friendly and NOT interested in eating her rats!
Oh, Cassia didn't have saw that she had lied about her summer, that was good... Hmm, all the lies she had told during her second year were helping her now! Relieved that she didn't needed to tell the other girl about her summer she tried to focus on other thinks, think like....... candy!
"Oh, i'm clad that you had a nice summer, but are you also happy to go back to school? Because i have missed it to be here" said the third year old while she crossed her legs and and tried to look inside her pocket.
"Do you want some candy?" She herself wanted to eat something, but it would be rude to eat alone while the other girl had nothing, so she offered her some of her own, trying to be nice, and yes, that was possible!
it was really hard sometimes, being nice... how was it even possible that some others were doing it all the time? Hmm, she didn't knew it, BUT...! She was older now, and a girl who was in her third year was better than the younger students and she needed to show it to them! Yes... she was now REALLY important!
With her chin lifted she looked at Cassia while she asked a question about her rats! A smile was now visible on her face and she looked quick at her two little friends.
They are doing fine, but Sir Blue, the baby rat", she pointed at the blue rat on her shoulder,
is growing too fast, and he is eating a LOT food, more than his mom Little princess..." The third year old frowned and wondered how big her rat would be when he was a adult...
"And... is that yo owl?" she pointed at the cage and tried to look again if the owl was safe locked inside his or her cage.
"He isn't hungry now, right?" she asked worried while she eyed her two rats, checking if they still were sitting safe on her shoulder.