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"Why would I be specifically nervous around you?" she asked curiously. He'd always been nice to her after all, it wasn't like he was likely to jump at her and start bullying her or anything, in fact she was less nervous around Theo than she was around other people. Which was good, right?
Good enough flier..? She KNEW she was a good flier - and that wasn't being arrogant, that was being confident in the sole things she knew she was good at. Riding, flying and reading. And yeah, he was right, Quidditch didn't really have much bearing on how good she was in lessons - but the letter had said she had potential on and off the pitch... heh. Which meant lessons right..? And she KNEW he would anyway. "I know, but you could be so incredibly busy with your fancy prefect stuff that it might steal you away from us." Cue dramatic hand-to-head action. "Though Kat did it so.." Shruuuug. As for Dylan... "Mhmm..." GULP. "I am not prepared to try and fill that hole." And she was NOT going to sleep in the middle of the pitch. Nope.
... "Yeah, definitely. I'll take you up on that." She nodded enthusiastically. Then a thought hit her. "Theo..." She paused and stared at him for a second. "Do you realise... these badges... they mean..." Deep breath, dramatic stare. "We have to be role models."
Theo pressed his eyebrows together and paused for a moment to think for an answer. Could he be bothered to explain himself? It was no biggie, really. "
I was just joking, Derry." Moving on...
Psssssshhhtttt...." That was the exact noise he made. Even if his prefect stuff got on top of him, Theo would never quit Quidditch. In fact, he would rather quit being a prefect, to be honest. But he was too awesome for that. He could TOTALLY handle both. "
You've got nothing to worry about there, trust me." He hoped that his broomsticking skills were okay, since he hadn't played
all summer and all. Copying her shrug, Theo didn't really know how to answer her comment. It wouldn't be until the start of term till he found out what kind of captain Derry would be. "
You can only do your best." That worked.
He smiled then continued on with his brownie. It was so yummmm... Huh? Theo looked up again when she started getting all serious. ROLE MODELS. Those words were kinda freaky, but Theo couldn't help but grin like a mischievous child. "
You bet we are. I can't wait."
Insert evil kenevil laughing heeeeeere.