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Old 08-22-2013, 06:06 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post

"Yeah, and they smell, too." Tori wrinkled her nose again but quickly stopped, as her pulling a face probably wasn't helping the makeover any. She sighed at the question about her ex and tried not to shake her head.

"Our...encounter....was anything but civil. A mutual acquaintance of ours basically arrested him." And then left her to finish up the job! Tori smiled in spite of all that and shifted restlessly in her chair. "Good. I can't wait to see it."
Laughing softly she nodded "Definitely, that and the younger ones tend to be really sticky." EW! Shuddering at the memory of one of the kids who'd come in the shop all covered in ice cream. Just disgusting! "Oooo, yeah that wouldn't be a good encounter then." Snorting at her saying about the guy getting arrested "Well it turned out sort of good there then, huh?"

Finishing up with the cleanser, she moved to take the towel down and move her to the sink by moving the chair a foot "I'm just going to rinse your hair, and we'll see how things turned out."