Thread: QQS Back Room
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Old 08-21-2013, 09:29 AM   #8 (permalink)
Pascaline Meliflua
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 4
Default Interns :D

Paz was, of course, bright and early her first day babysitting at Quality Quidditch Supplies. It would be an interesting experience to say the least. Retail wasn't exactly her idea of bliss, but helping out the Dischells was an acceptable enough reason to put up with it. She was intending very much to put these interns that Orcus had acquired to work. Hard work. Possibly fun work, depending on what the children actually expected.

A new shipment of Broomstick servicing kits had arrived that morning; the trouble was that they were not complete kits. There were large boxes each with dozens of each individual item, and they were to be put together into the kits. Busy work. Intern work. She'd put someone to that task soon.

Pascaline also wanted inventory to be taken, so she knew exactly what was in stock, and what would need to be ordered. There were flyers to hand out too, all in all plenty of things to be done. She sat at the desk and went through the books in silent as she waited, interested to see when these interns would make themselves known to her given they had all been owled regarding her temporarily taking over. Hopefully they wouldn't ask too many questions.

QQS Shopkeeper..... for now
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