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Still eyeing the young woman carefully as she was yet unsure of her intentions, Mariel gave a curt nod in affirmation. She was a rather good Keeper in her not so humble opinion, though playing Chaser probably would have made her aim better. Not that she had been aiming for anyone specific anyway.. and the question still remained unanswered, well many of them did.. but the brunette wondered how this girl knew it was her.
Green eyes glanced down to the other woman's pocket as she dug around in it, her mind quickly going to her wand and the thought of being ready to pull it out within seconds. Cringing slightly as she thrust her hand in her face, she peered down at its contents and shot a questioning look to the blonde. Gummy worms..? What was this even. She stared at them, unblinking, for a moment, then reached out and gingerly took them. "Um.. thank you..?" She wasn't sure what else to say to that.. gummy worms in exchange for a rotten tomato.. apparently what one did. Though she was very, very suspicious of these..
Genevieve smiled that strange, scary smile again before shoving her hands in her pocket and giving a full body shrug. "No problem,
Mariel. No problem at all. You enjoy those gummy worms, and I'm sure we'll be running into each other again soon."
She turned and headed back for the lift without looking back even once. The secret to psychological warfare was to be only a little crazy but to look a whole lot crazier.