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Minerva's eyes were wide and bright. She was so excited to be out and she loved festivals. She was so looking forward to the Castle one back in Germany, but this was going to be fun as well and maybe they would see some of their friends while out. She knew she had kept a low profile this summer just relaxing at home.. Well Ethan's home at least. Other than a few Diagon Alley shopping trips which she had stopped because she didn't want to spend anymore money and a few visits with friends Min really hadn't done anything at all.
Minerva held onto Ethan's hand tightly as her eyes darted around to everything. How had she never been to a magical festival before. The seventeen year old had spent the last seven years in the wizarding world you would think she would have hit up a festival, but no she had only ever been to muggle ones.
"This is going to be so fun. I'm really glad you asked me to come. " She gave Ethan a quick glance before her focus went back to the world around her. Stopping as she saw the Carousel she gasped,
"They move around and not just in a circle?" Why was this so surprising had she not had enough surprises in this world that it shouldn't phase her.
Stopping she turned to Ethan and bounced at his arm a bit like a child at Christmas.
"Can we go on that.. please.." She leaned up kissing his cheek to nuzzle her way into getting to ride the carousel even though she knew she probably didn't have to butter him up he would agree to it anyway.
Grinning a bit at Minerva, somewhat amused at how excited she was,
Ethan kept his fingers wrapped around her hand as they headed towards the street festival. It had been a while since he had been to one of these and he was a little surprised they didn't do it every year. Though he supposed it was better that way.. made it more something to look forward to.
"I think it will be fun," he said, smiling back at her as she looked at him, before glancing at some of the more colorful attractions as the walked further.
"I haven't been to one of these since I was a kid." The castle festival he went to at least every other year didn't really count and he didn't really mean the Muggle one she had taken him to last year during his challenge in the States, because this was something different than either of those.
Hearing her gasp, he turned his head, following her gaze and slowly grinning upon catching sight of the carousel.
"Oh, yeah.. I almost forgot about those." Memories of five year old Ethan filtered through his mind as he remembered riding one of the sphinxes many years ago. He turned and chuckled a little at how excited his bouncing girlfriend was, grinning at the kiss on the cheek.
"Sure, we can go on them," he said, leading her a bit closer to the attraction.
"The dragons seat two.. do you want to ride on that one with me or each get our own?" He looked at her expectantly, wondering which she would choose, but either was alright with him.