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This head massage feeling was one Tori could get used to. Hehe. She blinked as the lady started on her face. Oh? What was this now? She was too distracted by the chatting to ask.
"Ugh, I know. Tell me about it. Those Hogwarts aged-kids are the WORST." Never mind that she was barely two years older than any of them. Tori paused, and added a sigh. "I ran into my ex-boyfriend in the alley earlier. It was sooooooo awkward." Like, too awkward to even describe.
"Merlin, I agree with you there." she said pulling a face as she dabbed on the cleanser. "The younger ones anyway, little mischief makers, the lot of them." Pausing she shook her head "Oi, I can imagine! I couldn't imagine running into my ex...how'd you get on? Were you at least civil to one another?"
Continuing her work, she checked on her hair under the towel "Just one more minute on the hair and we shall see how it looks."