Thread: Dragons Lair
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Old 08-15-2013, 11:34 PM   #24 (permalink)
Casey O

Fan Club Officer

Join Date: Jun 2012
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Second Year
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Cleo climbed into the cart, scribbling down notes in her notebook.

Text Cut: Cleo's notes
Don't call the security man sir
Don't call the goblins creatures
Try not to fall out of cart
Wear other shoes
arrange for these shoes to spontaneously combust

She tucked the notebook onto her lap as the cart sped forward. She soon lost track of which directions they were heading. Her stomach swirling, the cart headed through a mysterious waterfall... SPLASH.

But she didn't get wet. She paused, her arms over head as an attempt to keep her face dry, and relaxed. The waterfall was probably some illusion or something like that. Once the cart screeched to a halt, Cleo stepped out and looked around.

What was that smell? She wrinkled her nose. And then...

Cleo dropped her notebook in surprise. She had not expected to hear a dragon so soon. As she picked it up, her heart started racing in anticipation. If she wanted to go into security, she probably would want to know how to control the dragons.

She flipped to a clean page.
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