West looked to be mooching about doing nothing that was because he WAS mooching about doing nothing. Pretty much anyway. The tall fifteen year old had a pocket full of coins (as surprising as that was given how many coins he had spent just to eat and sleep at Hogwarts this past term), and time to spare since he had plans to meet up with people later on. A couple hours before now and then though, and West had got a bit bored hanging about at home so he'd side-alonged into London with his dad and then promptly gone off to do his own thing. Which was nothing in particular at all, because he was a teenager and had entirely perfected the art of loitering.
He'd not actually come here before, the bowling alley, and he hadn't realised there was a little arcade here. Usually if he was going to go hang around at an arcade he went to this one little one near Purge and Dowse Ltd that served pizza, but this was good too. Maybe. He idly felt the coins in his pocket and moseyed around the different games, trying to decide which would be most fun to try on his own.
... did they offer prizes? Tickets or tokens or anything for getting a high score and generally being epic? Hmmm... that was an option. Or if there were people around he could maybe
hustle them play a friendly game of pool....