LOLOL hahaha *approves of this* Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
More and more and MORE people. Kat approves. "C'MON GUYS. FLAP YOUR IMAGINARY WINGS." Kat said. You know, like this. She then started to demonstrate how a chicken would flap its wings... only that she was using her arms. Like that you know. She was so glad that people were there to join. Especially Tag and that dude (Harvey) and Ethan! Okay that's awesome. That's how you do it, fellow!prefect. You should flap them wings too. And stomp. And wiggle. Yeah, like a little worm. WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE. The others should do it too. Don't just STAND there, you know. Like... do it. DO IT. IT WAS FUN, EVERYONE.
Hmm... Penelope? What were they doing? "MOB CHICKEN DANCE!" Wasn't it obvious with all the stomping and flapping and wiggling? "You should join us!" Please? Pretty please? It was gonna be fun and... see? Others were joining too. It only meant that it was even MORE fun. "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaawk!" That's how you DO IT, EVERYONE. FLAP FLAP STOMP STOMP WIGGLE WIGGLE. YEAH.
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________  ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |