Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
Benjamin allowed a smirk to spread across his lips at that. "In which case, I'm honoured," he replied with a grin. "But if you do ever hex me, I'm not adverse to battle scars, but I do object to blindness." Wink. He liked Lex, so he really hoped it never got to that stage. She made sense, unlike some others. "Well, I am a Ravenclaw," Benjy said with a shrug. Think of it as extra studies was in character, really. "What's you favourite hex?" Not because he was worried one would come his way, he was just kind of interested.
"And you're full of unconvincing answers," he replied, looking up from his fiddling hands in his lap to meet her gaze. And what felt like excruciating long silences too. He nodded when she did finally speak. Her theory seemed justifiable, but he still tilted his head thoughtfully when she threw it back at him. "I don't know," he said, resting his chin on his hand. "I mean, I've never done it, so how could I?" He swallowed. "I'd give it a go though." Even if that moment had passed a while back.
A challenge. Who didn't like a challenge? And gosh, this girl had stories. Like, who got a hawk through their window? He hadn't even had a pigeon through his! "It must be nice to have a companion." Hear that, Flipper?
Carnivore, huh? He'd have to try remember that if she ever came round. He should return the favour if he was going over hers, and it would be easiest whilst his cousin was away. He wouldn't have to resort to the same underhand tactics that his cousin had over the winter break. Hmph. But no protective gear? He grinned. "Noted. Glad you're not afraid of a few bumps."
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