Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁ 'I'm anything but subtle'. He snorted again. He should have known it. She was a Gryffindor, after all. And one with quite the affinity for sugar. He chuckled. "I should imagine. Remind me never to get on your bad side." he could see it being unpleasant, and he really didn't care for the hospital wing. "You said she was Muggle, right? So...does she know about your magic and stuff?"
He gulped again, and his hands fiddled around in his lap. He wasn't really sure why he had asked, and therefore why he was quite so interested in the answer. He flexed his fingers together, trying to ignore the hint of warmth in his cheeks, before leaning forward a little. She wouldn't be opposed to it? What did that even mean? He rubbed his lips together, moistening them from where they had gone dry, and attempted to run a hand casually through his hair. Comments about Garrick were forgotten. "So, er, you would?" He couldn't help himself.
It was probably a good thing she didn't wait for him to answer. He was still thinking other things. It was only after Flipper had been taken that he blinked back to attention. "Hmm? Oh, sure." Least if Flipper made a run for it, it was Lex's fault and the Gryffindor could be the one to run after him. Had Benjy mentioned the toad was surprisingly fast for its small size? "He tried to eat an owl? Wow." Sucks that it had to be in front of the student leaders too. Benjy didn't much care for them. Well, except Ethan, cos he was cool.
He nodded as she handed Flipper back. "From home. Cheese and pickle, I think." He hadn't investigated too closely. He pulled it out his robes, and unwrapped a corner of the slightly squished sandwich to check. "Yup. Cheese and pickle. Mum's kind of predictable on that one." He shrugged. Up to her if she wanted to share. He was soon grinning though. "Yeah?" His eyes lit up. "I've got a spare board you can use." As for when? "Since Garrick's away, I'm free whenever. Sure Mum will be glad to have me out the house." She usually was.
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