Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁
Benjy shook his head lightly and closed his eyes, trying to rid his brain of those thoughts. Of that night. Opening them, he focused purely on Lex. "Wow, that's a long time for being hated on." A chuckle flickered across his lips. "I'm surprised you didn't, er, try to subtly influence things..." Or did she? Maybe Lex HAD wrecked havoc and it hadn't worked. Hmm. It's certainly something he would try.
it was refreshing to hear her be so straightforward about it all. "Six of one and half dozen of the other... Dunno what the two of them got in their heads." Sure, Garrick was Garrick, and could get on his high abraxan about stuff, but this had been a new mopey low. He leant forward at the curious look, and quickly gulped. "Wouldyou? ...I mean, er..." His eyed widened, and blush came to his cheeks. "I don't know. Didn't he think she was ignoring him first?" Really, it was all a big confused mess. And whilst getting to the bottom of it might get Garrick happy again, Benjy also now had other distracting thoughts in his head.
All Lex's fault.
Gingerly, and still eying the kneazle, Bejy pulled Flipper out his pocket. The toad looked distinctly uninterested. "Well, it depends on your definition of fun, really. He's more the 'I'm gonna wreak havoc for no real reason' type. Not one for company." One for hopping off at inopportune moments.
He didn't believe her. Simple as. "I've got a sandwich we can share if you're hungry." It wasn't sugary, at least. And something other to think other than dentists. Shudder. He didn't like those. Another one of those mother-inflicted things. Seriously, why would anyone train to poke around in people's mouths?
His face blushed a bit more, and he gave her a lopsided grin. "I was wondering...if you'd want to meet up...maybedosomeboarding?"
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