She hadn't realized all of the things she'd accumulated over the school year. It must have been all of that cleaning she'd done. Somehow when she'd cleaned, she'd ended up finding all sorts of neat little discarded items. Some she'd kept, but most she'd thrown away. Anyway, it had added to her belongings somewhat and she'd need to charm a bag or two so that she could bring it all home.
Lucky for her, the dolly cart she'd found at the station was working smoothly for her, which was really a surprise given how the rest of the year had gone. At least she could now hope to roll her luggage and owl to the train in peace. Here's to hoping the actual train ride will be as successful, she quipped to herself as she did her best to oomf her trunk into the compartment.
She gave a quick little goodbye to her owl, Luna, feeling she was ready to get the show on the road and spread her wings in a less crowded air space as soon as she possibly could, and made her way to the train.
__________________  ... CHARMING ... HUMBLE ... REFINED ... |