Food Trolley. Right. Just for the sake of food. You know, maybe she got starved in the middle of the ride and didn't wanna leave the Prefects' Compartment anymore? Yeah? Kat made her way over there. Hmm... not much people in here either. That was sad. Did they not like food? Who didn't like food anyway? There was no more glee!ice cream here, for Merlin's sake. Her eyes then examined the items on the trolley. SIGHS. They were always the same every year and you know, the prefect was tired of it already. She would get a few pumpkin pasties but like... she had that before. Also those cauldron cakes. They needed to update the menu for this place. Could you believe she didn't want any jelly slugs to lick and throw at the window later? So uhm... no. Nothing interesting in here. She needed a brilliant idea though.
That's right, THE CHICKEN DANCE EVERYBODDEHHH. The blonde started flapping her imaginary wings and stomping her feet around. FLAP FLAP STOMPP STOMPPP WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE.
Why was nobody joining her?! Hellooooooo! Kat continued to flap her wings and stomp. Yeaaah. That's how you DO IT, PEOPLE.
"ETHAN, YOU THERE. COME JOIN ME." Prefects gotta work together, right? Riiight? SHE WAS RIGHT OKAY. And then other students she didn't know.
"YOU TOO. FLAP 'EM WINGS, YO." Kat said and nudged the boy Ethan was talking to (
Harvey) at the side. STOMP STOMP STOMP. WIGGLE WIGGLE. Hey another person (
Damon/Darwin)! Whoever he was.
"STOP BEING QUIET. DO THE CHICKEN DANCE WITH ME." C'mon, it was a mob chicken dance! Don't miss the fun, y'all. Don't be such killjoys.
Nope. This was just a few people. She needed more. MOAR.
"EVERYBODY DO THE CHICKEN DANCE WITH ME." Probably people from the front to the back cars could've heard her already. But who cares?! WIGGLE WIGGLE FLAP FLAP.