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What was he doing, standing there like a fool and just staring at her? Why was he staring at her, was it SO strange that she was't acting nasty to him? Hmmm, now that she thought about it, yes, it was strange that she wasn't acting that way toward him, the only time she had been friendly toward him was when she had first met him besides the swamp and she had been friendly for the last time toward him BEFORE he had made the swamp angry so that it would attack them! For a few few seconds she looked angry again, she had been DRENCHED with mud and she REALLY hated mud, dirt and everything what was dirty! And yes, she was still angry at Forrest because of that, she wasn't even sure if she would be able to forgive him EVER, but what was the point by doing mean toward him? Her mom was always mean and she had tried to imitate her mom, hoping for some respect or simply some love from her own mother but her mom was still not... accepting her the way she was... So what was the point by imitating her mother? To trying to win her respect?
She sighed and frowned when Forrest decided to sit with her, but was he really so afraid for her that he wanted to sit so close to the door? Was he afraid that she would attack him? Hmm, again, that was not such a strange question, she had attacked him before so it was not so strange...
And why was he STILL staring at her like that? What did he wanted from her? She looked down at her two rats and had really no idea what she needed to do or to say if she wanted to be nice to him, bullying and calling him names was easier than this silence! And because she had no idea were else to talk about she lifted her baby rat,
Sir Blue up and showed him her rat.
"This is Sir Blue, the baby from Little princes..." And because she again had no idea what to say more she looked a little uneasy. Pfff, bullying him was REALLY much easier than being nice to somebody! Why was this so difficult?
Luckily for both of them perhaps, Forrest wasn't that good at judging people's moods; so when she looked angry upon remembering the memory, he didn't take offense. She was usually angry around him anyway, so there was no significant difference whatsoever. It was usually her words that wounded and made him sit very uncomfortably with his backpack still on. He kept staring somewhat sceptically. He still didn't buy this 'I'll be a good girl!' thing, and he was curious what she had planned.
Wait was that rat blue? How was that even--magic really produced--did she really name her rats
princess and
sir? What was she, Dutchess of Scotland or whatever? He wanted to roll his eyes at her
dramatically, but he wasn't rude. Actually, the rat looked quite cute with its pink ears... she surely knew how to distract him...
"Cute." He meant it, but he was too afraid/suspicious/shy to comment any further. It was too awkward to sit there with her anyway, he wasn't going to make it any more awkward with small-talk.
"You like rats?" Interesting for a girl that hated mud.