SPOILER!!: My turrrrrrrn
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"He did what?" Alice squinted at him carefully, trying to shrug off his arms, because it was quite difficult to give looks to people when they were squishing you like that. His 'talk' with Cactus still wasn't making any sense but.. y'know. Boys. They were dumb and stuff.
"Told you Dora said I could sit with you. Just you. But she might stop by anyway." Which Alice wouldn't mind, because Dora time was her favorite time, and she hadn't had a proper dose of it since waffle rolling the previous day.
And it looked like she WAS getting a Dora, as well as Thinsley. His shoes were goo-free now, too.
Did either of them bring food? Good compensation for gatecrashing.
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"Just me." He repeated and she got another nuzzle. Well he didn't mind people joining them since there were plenty of people he wanted to see before disappearing for the summer. Not that he expected he wouldn't SEE them it was just that he wanted to, especially being in a better mood now than he had been at the feast.
A MUCH better mood.
He was about to answer Alice about Mo things when Theo appeared. West lit up, a big happy grin. Everything was good now see? See? No more moping. He opened his mouth to say he hadn't seen Dora yet but expected her to appear eventually but then it wasn't necessary since her head appeared right there under Theo's arm.
"Dora and her boyfriend should come and sit down in here with West and his awesome girlfriend." West said, indicating the entire free seat opposite where he and Alice were snugged up. He was entirely ignoring Alice's attempts to shake him off and give him looks. He planned to get his fill of hugs before they had to part upon reaching Kings Cross.
"Anyone bring food? I've got a few coins scrounged up, but not all that much after the turnstiles, not if you girls want birthday presents this year." Seriously. They could've had birthdays more spread out, it'd be healthier for his pockets.
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He had deeeeefinitely interrupted something.
As much as seeing West and Alice being all snuggly made him feel a bit sick in his guts, he was soon distracted when someone popped their head under his arm. And he TOTALLY jumped, but it was okay, it was his girlfriend. Theo grinned down at her then moved his arm that was resting against the door, and wrapped it around the back of her waist. "
Well, she found her boyfriend." Was this a game of some sort? Theo made a kissssssssssy face...
Woah, woah... there was ALMOST kisses but hellloooooooo... this was no snogging parade!
He COULD have whisked Dora away somewhere else, but they were soon invited to sit down here. Which was okay, too. "
I have..." Theo sat down opposite the other two with a bump, then fumbled around in his pockets and pulled out a few Bertie Bott beans, and a... CHOCOLATE FROG....
wrapper. "
Oh... well I have enough beans for one each."
So what if they had sat in his pocket since yesterday? YOLO.
Dora was used to all the jumpiness that usually happened when she snuck up on Theo, and so she just grinned cheerfully in response, having expected that exact reaction from him.
"Cause she's such an awesome girlfriend." She totally didn't miss the kissy faces he was making either, but for reasons, and because if she was getting kisses she wanted them ALL, Dora only responded by reaching up and fluffed his pretty hair some.
"You called me Dora." Did he know? She wiggled her fingers at West, and moved in with Theo, snuggling up beside him when he sat.
"I don't want beans." Or bean. Why was all that in his pocket? She pulled out her pouch and reached in.
"I don't have candy, but I have pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes." She did make a small stop at the trolley, anticipating some eating to happen while on the train.
She pulled them out of the pouch and held them out for her friends to take, but didn't lean away from Theo since she was all comfortable and stuff.
"I expect gifts, West. Better gifts than Alice even." She made silly faces at her bestie.