Text Cut: Ethan
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On his way back from the Prefect's compartment, Ethan headed back towards the back of the train to sit with Minerva again. He decided to patrol the corridors for a few minutes as he walked, still keeping up with those prefect duties.. he was still a prefect for a few more hours, after all. And then he caught sight of the food trolley as he headed further down the corridor.
The boy slowed his steps, realizing with his growling stomach how hungry he actually was. Maybe he should get a few things to take back to his compartment to snack on since it would still be a little while till he would get home to a proper meal. His hand dug in his pocket, finding a handful of coins, and he got in line, thinking over his selections.
Harvey couldnt believe another year had passed by. Seeing the seventh years only reminded him that he had one more year to go before he too would have to leave, he would leave some of his friends as well as the professors and the adventures he'd had since he arrived here. That made him think of Mins, his best friend, he had known her for a long time and they jad been through alot. But he knew this was probably toughest on her. Harvey decided to relive some of his and Mins friendly hang outs being thankful for a friend like her and entered the Food Trolley. Thats when he saw the girls boyfriend and his friend, he was a good guy and was glad he and Mins had met after all the bad luck she'd had including himself. This was the one guy that was right for her ever since she arrived here. "
Hey Ethan. What are you doing here?" Harvey asked Ethan out of surprise chuckling a little not expecting to see him here when his girl was probably waiting for him in a compartment somewhere. He thought Ethan would be hanging out with her even though they had the whole summer together "
How you doing? Where is Mins?" he asked him to see if she was arriving here soon meaning Harvey had to run so they could have their private moment together.