SPOILER!!: Forrest and Ariana
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Coming via lake, Forrest had, quite naturally, expected to return via lake as well.
But Hogwarts had different surprises for him in mind, it seemed, because he was now standing in front of carriages with nothing to pull them. He was past the point to wonder how they were going to move, because obviously a horse would soon be brought here to pull them. Even though there wasn't enough time to harness them all and still make it to the train in the muggle way. Maybe there were spells to harness horses quickly. Yeah. That sounded better. Looking around for a familiar face, he spotted Minerva and dragged his about-to-burst-open bag to her carriage.
"Hello!" he greeted her happily. He didn't even notice she was sad, because his brain didn't acknowledge that anyone could be sad leaving that dirty place. Sure, he was kinda down for leaving Tobias, Ella, Minerva, Kace--generally Hufflepuffs--but he wasn't going to pay for turnstiles and stuff anymore! What a joy, yes? YES!
He fumbled with the handle of his bag and tried--but failed--to lift it.
"How did you load your bag up there?"
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Meep Meep Meep! Ariana was NOT excited and it showed on her face. The almost seventh year was just seemingly going through the motions, the last few days with the feast and the packing and now this. Walking over to a carriage where she saw her best friend sitting and some weird ickle trying to get in. She simply went to the other side of the carriage where the ickle wasnt and climbed in effortlessly. Without even asking she sat next to min and just put her arms around her and wrapped her in the best Logan hug she could muster. Meep. Be ok best friend.
Minerva was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a voice. Looking around at first she wasn't sure where it came from, but looking again she saw Forrest who looked as if he was struggling with something. Just as she realized it was his trunk she jumped feeling arms around her. NOT AGAIN... WHO... WAS.. HUGGING HER. She was about to scream and back away when she realized it was Ari.. Relaxing a bit she could handle Ari hugs.. She wasn't sure why, but Ari and Ethan hugs were okay. She was grateful for this little fact, because she could at least take comfort in knowing she wasn't all the way crazy. At least she could hug two people.
Pulling all the strength she could to speak
"Hey Ari... I.. can't believe they're done.." Ariana knew who she was talking about, they were in the same situation. They had each other to lean on at least. Looking back towards Forrest Minerva tried to give the first year a smile.
"Need some help?" She pulled her wand and levitated the trunk onto the carriage.
"Forrest this is my best friend Ariana Logan.. Ari this is one of my little badger, Forrest." Forrest had certainly become one of her little badgers this term.
There was one thing Minerva didn't think about until that moment and her lip trembled as the thoughts ran through her mind. As tears again started down her face she looked at Forrest,
"I.. gave you.. that.. ice cream.. Forrest.. I.. I'm so sorry.. I'm a horrible person.. I.. should have.. I didn't know.. I'm sorry...please.. forgive me.." She wrapped her arms around Ari, not that she wouldn't have hugged Forrest if she could, but she couldn't.. Hugs were just bad unless they were Ari or Ethan. So hugging her best friend to comfort her as much as she was comforting Min was all she could do at that moment. She just hoped Forrest wouldn't hate her..