Ravenpuff | Cap'n Crunch | Bedtime Queen | O Minion, My Minion Section 4: Penalites & Infractions Editing Editing a post is not allowed in a match. If anyone is caught editing their answer to a question during a game, the offending team will have the value of the question deducted from the team total, regardless of whether the answer was first or correct. * * * * * User Settings All players must select the visible mode as their user option in their User Control Panel. If a player is seen by the Official in the invisible mode once a game starts/during a game, it will result in a penalty. That penalty will be 10 points deducted from the team's match total. Please note that the site staff can "see" members in both the visible and invisible modes.
The Quidditch Official will be using the default forum skin, Linear—Oldest First, and 20 posts per page settings. These will be considered the ‘Official’ settings when determining post order. The answer the Official sees first in the match thread under these settings will be considered the first post. * * * * * Failure to Meet the Line-Up Deadline If a team fails to post their line-up by 15 minutes prior to match time but before 15 minutes after match time, 10 points will be awarded to the opposing team. This is the only time a penalty is awarded directly to the opposing team. All other penalties are deducted from the offending team's game total. * * * * * Roster Change After the Deadline If a team roster is changed after the deadline has passed, the offending team will suffer a 10 point penalty (which is better than a forfeit). This includes a roster change mid-game due to the unexpected loss of the Keeper or Seeker due to technical issues. The Captain of the opposing team may not waive this rule, as courteous and admirable as it may be. * * * * * Answering a Question Out of Position Blagging - any player other than the Seeker who answers the Snitch question AFTER one of the Seekers have posted an answer. Penalty is minus 5 points, regardless of which team's Seeker catches the Snitch. Blatching - the Keeper posts the answer to the Quaffle question twice. The opposing team will automatically score, regardless if the first posted answer by the Keeper was correct. Blurting - any player other than the Beater who answers a Bludger question. If the player answers it BEFORE a Beater, then the penalty is minus 10 points. If the player answers it AFTER a Beater, then the penalty is minus 5 points. Bumphing - a Beater on either team who answers the Quaffle question. If the Beater answers FIRST, the penalty is minus 10 points. If the Quaffle was intended for their team, they lose possession and the other team gets the next question. If the Beater answers AFTER a Chaser has posted, then the penalty is minus 5 points. Cobbing - a Chaser on the opposing team who answers out of turn AFTER their Keeper has answered but BEFORE the other team's Chaser(s) have posted. Penalty is minus 5 points. Flacking - the Keeper answers out of turn (answers the Quaffle question intended for their own team). If the Keeper answers FIRST, the penalty is minus 10 points, and the next Quaffle question goes to the other team. If the Keeper answers AFTER their own Chaser has posted, then the penalty is minus 5 points. Haversacking - a Chaser on the opposing team answers out of turn AFTER the other team's Chaser(s) have posted. Penalty is minus 5 points. Quaffle-Pocking - a Chaser on the opposing team answers out of turn BEFORE the other team's Chaser(s) and their own team's Keeper have posted. Penalty is minus 10 and another question is asked to the team who was interfered with. Snitchnip - any player other than the Seeker who answers the Snitch question BEFORE either Seeker. Penalty is one Snitch grab from the offending team and a new Snitch question will be asked. If the offending team does not yet have a Snitch capture, the penalty will be assessed upon their first capture of the game (unless this never occurs, in which case 50 points will be deducted from their match total). If the same person repeats the penalty during the course of the same game, they will be ejected from play. * * * * * Posting in the Wrong Locker Room 5 House Points will be deducted for anyone who posts in the wrong locker room, unless the Official has been previously notified of a joint practice.
5 House Points will be deducted for anyone who is not on a House Team or has not been approved as a substitute by the Official who posts in any of the locker rooms.
Repeat offenders will be placed in detention. * * * * * Posting in the Game Thread If someone other than a player posts in the game thread without permission from the Official during a match, 10 House points will be deducted; if the post is not during a match, 5 House points will be deducted. Repeat offenders will be placed in detention. * * * * * Unsportsmanlike Conduct Quidditch is taken seriously by many on the site and it is important that everyone behaves appropriately at all times (both on and offsite). It is canon to have rivalries in the school RP, but please exercise caution if you are teasing someone else's character. If the teasing or trash talk gets out of hand (IC or OOC), those who are guilty of such behavior will be given an Official warning (if it escalates after a warning is given, then the Headmistress will be consulted regarding further punishment). This also applies to behavior outside of the school RP; OOC punishment will be dealt with OOC by means of a warning, infraction, or more severe punishments. If a Captain encounters a problem, please bring it to the Quidditch Official instead of dealing with it on your own.
Before any punishments are enforced, the Quidditch Official will consult with the Headmistress and will calmly explain the situation. It will be based on their discussion as to the type of punishment (if any) that may be enforced.
The most severe penalties can be forfeiting the match or having Quidditch suspended from the site for a period of time. Section 5: Misc. Rules and Information End of Term Awards At the end of the term, the Quidditch Official will give out personal achievement awards for each of the four positions. Ten house points will be awarded to the top earner in each position; five points will be awarded to the second place finisher. For example, the Chaser who scored the most goals will earn 10 house points, while the Chaser who scored the second most goals will earn 5. * * * * * Rule Changes If any of the rules are changed after the term begins, it is the responsibility of the Quidditch Official to notify each team Captain via PM and post the rule change in all team locker rooms at least 72 hours before game time.
__________________ Thanks, Kitakins <3
Last edited by hpluvr037; 01-22-2014 at 09:38 PM.