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Another curious sight. The man was going red. "Your face is red. Did you know? Like right there." She pointed with her free hand and giggled a bit. Right theeeeere. Though he shouldn't take this personally. She took it upon herself to point out the obvious when anyone was blushing much to Aidan's dismay, poor guy.
She watched him while he watched the ceiling. He was gonna answer, he had to answer. Pity Professor Knox was sitting so far away but then...Alexa hadn't been whispering so that took care of that.
Her smile remained fixed in place.
Oooh but then he was going on about her past potions homework. "The syrup? Did you want some? I can make us a whoooole cauldron to share. Would you prefer chocolate, butterscotch, caramel or marshmallow??--is that the only condition? We have to have syrup when we go for ice-cream? I can do that!" BEEEAAAAM.
It wouldn't be a problem. "Did you also know, your face has gotten prettier." Unfortunately for you Mr. Vinteren, the sparkly eyed look continued.
Oh his face was red. Was it now. How kind of her to point it out for him. A vein started angrily pulsing in Erik's neck as he reached for his cup of water again. He was undecided on whether to drink it or throw it on the girl.
What -seriously,
what- was wrong with her?
"I vill NOT be getting ice cream or syrup or anyvhing else vith you, Alexa." He finally replied, very, very patiently considering where his blood pressure was right now. He opened his mouth to add on to that with several other things he would never do to/with/near the girl, when she then complimented his face.
She called him
pretty. Pretty? Erik had never been
pretty in his life. Handsome, charming, dangerously good-looking...those were all much more accurate adjectives. He shook his head again, just...dumbfounded at what to say to that. Dumbfounded speechless.
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"I believe, Professor Vinteren, that like our head-in-the-stars colleague, this is just her usual state..." She said rolling her eyes. Poor man, she was crushing on the unattainable professor. Nevertheless, she summoned an icecream from the kitchens, with her own special marshmallow syrup and a cherry on top... "Miss Cambridge, take this icecream back to your table and enjoy it. On me. That's an order."
Thank Odin for the Potions Mistress. Erik let out a deep sigh when Lafay, somehow, swooped to his aid. Yes, the ice cream...distract the girl with the ice cream.
"Here, Miss Cambridge..." he echoed the professor distantly,
"take the ice cream and go back to your table." And forget that you ever embarrassed yourself and your professor by confessing......anything.......to him.