Magical Measuring Area [Term 34-38] Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height and the reach of your arm to help the wandmakers find the best fitting wand. Whether you'll be receiving your first wand or are in need of a new one, step on over to be fitted and measured! Instructions
⌦ In order to receive a wand, please take the WAND QUIZ ONCE for each character you wish to receive a wand. Then, post your character being measured by the "hovering measuring tape" ONCE in this thread. See the example post below.
⌦ You may role play the Magical measuring tape, but you may not role play for the shopkeepers.
⌦ After submitting the wand quiz and posting in this thread, please wait for your post to be edited with a link to the 'Counter and Wand Fittings' thread where a shop worker will assist you and your character in finding their perfect wand match. You must RP to get your wand.
⌦ If you have any questions, feel free to PM either Rose (Roselyn) or Tegan (Tegz) and we'll try to answer your questions as quickly and efficiently as we can. SPOILER!!: example post
Jessica went into Ollivanders with more than her share of nerves, it was time for her first wand! The eleven year old made her way over to the measuring area and waited for her turn. Soon enough the measuring tape reached her and began zipping about, straightening with a snap and measuring out her height and, when she held her arms out, she watched it take a measurement of how long they were too. Fun! Did that mean her wand would be as big as her whole arm?
The girl stepped away from the measuring area and she eagerly headed to the front for the shopkeeper to find her wand. ooc: Ira Banner (Tegz) will help you here |