The Healer Dare Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Speech was done, feels were had, and epic ending to speech by Truebridge was heard. Nice way to end his years at Hogwarts Headmistress. he gave her a smile, but turned his attention to a certain staff who laid a present in front of him earlier, and thought she could get away without saying goodbye.
He was looking at you Healer Tilstorm. Oakey wasn't sure how he was going to go about doing this. a simple 'Thanks for all your help, you were a great Healer. Bye-bye' was not gonna cut it. Not for Tillstorm, In the five years that she had been his Healer Oakey started with nothing but fear for her, that fear some how twisted itself inside out, and became appreciation for all that she's done for him. No one respected her more than Oakey Gunter, that was a FACT. "Healer" Oakey said to get her attention, and before he could even think of what he was doing he moved up to the Dias, leaned across and wrapped Tillstorm into a hug. The hug was held only briefly, becuase he didn't to get hexed next..."Ummm, Thank you. For the present...and for being one of the best Healers Hogwarts has ever had. I'm going to miss visiting your wing."
...Merlin was his face red??
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