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Skip skip, skip a skip skip... en route to the next student table, Bunz took a detour by the big doors of the Great Hall. She halted her skipping just for a moment to look up at them and admire how... dusty they had gotten.
Ewww. They'd be needing to fix that before next term, mhmm. Definitely.
In the time it'd taken her to get her business done at the staff table the Headmistress had gotten FAR, like all the way to the entrance far! Merlin! Just how much sugar had the woman had? She was starting to reconsider these cookies but seeing as she'd already gotten people to bake them for her...
"Headmistress!!! Headmistress Truebridge!! I got your cookies!!!" She skipped over to the woman who was inspecting the dirt factor.
"I wasn't sure if you wanted double chocolate chip or just regular chocolate chip so I got you the latter--but I could make you some of those if you want." She was still eyeing the woman suspiciously. Had she not gotten some of the syrup? Why was she...skipping? Merlin, someone tell her this wasn't happening all over again!!
Or maybe...she really WAS just HAPPY to be leaving. Lex was!