This feast was...different.
How? you may wonder. Well, there was the twisting in her gut, for starters. You know that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach that you just couldn't for the life of you place? Well, it was like that but she knew exactly what was wrong. Her Quidditch team was falling apart. Yes, it was as much hers as it was Elise's. They were like a family. Not in the way Theo or Cassia were like family but in the way cousins were. Cousins who hung out a lot more than regular cousins did.
Cousins who sucked Merlin's stinky socks for ditching her to go on to do better things.
Like that kind of family, you know?
Blue sat outside the Great Hall, wallowing in self-pity she really wasn't permitted to have. She wasn't even leaving. But it was just the realisation that this was only the beginning. That the future was just WAITING for her. Ethan and Elise were going this year. Then Bee next...who would give her cuddles and pretect her when she got nightmares?! It was a tad overwhelming and completely unfair. Here everyone was leaving to be grownups and do things like pay morgages but she was stuck here worrying about OWLs. Stupid teenagerism. Stupid angst. Stupid Ethan.
Stupid stupid stupid.
The soon-to-be fifth year stood up, her bat in hand and slipped into the Great Hall for the what, second time this year? That was CRAZY. Like, doxy-droppings nutty. Blue glanced at the Slytherin table and decided it would be more appropriate not to go over there today but she'd say hi to her friends at some point. The girl made her way over to the Ravenclaw table and you know, gave them a glare.
“Do you know what you guys are?” Ethan and Elise, that was. “Rude. Incredibly rude.”
Well, now that they knew that, she twisted her wrist slightly to draw attention to the bat in her grip. And now she felt shy. And was blushing. Hazel. Blushing. It was so outrageous that it required birth-cert name instead of Blue. “So I kinda thought...maybe youguyswouldsignmybat? Justsomethingsoyouknowyouguysarestillkindaonthetea m. Every time I hit the bludger...technically you guys would be too. Or, ya know, you're names would be anyway.” They'd
laugh, wouldn't they?