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Old 08-05-2013, 04:57 PM   #21 (permalink)

I Snuggle Werewuffs!
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Default Apologies for the wait! SS was not being nice. XD
|Who's On First? | Challenge Accepted.| | :Ink For Blood: | Team SUITS!|

With a nod to Dorian and a quick motion at Benjamin that he was welcome to follow her, Elinor swept along behind Colin. He walked as only a bank employee really could. Get them in, get them out, that seemed to be the motto of all of them. But Elinor kept a reasonable pace with him, a person of haste, herself. She knew that her presence, and her bag with the ministry seal stamped on it, was not exactly welcomed in view of every customer and employee. She shifted it to the other shoulder, burying the seal against her hip.

In retrospect, she thought, she probably looked more like a bank robber at this point than anything else. Another stray thought wished that Dorian had an equally qualified partner to conduct questioning, so that he would have been free to come along with her. In the off chance that he would think of something she didn't. But she could only do her best. And perhaps Benjamin would prove to be just as helpful, if not, at least, a willing student.
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