Benjy and Mika and he says his name is NOT Ogden. It's GARRICK
Looking at Benjy for a moment he shrugged. It had been a STUPID year. The stupidest. But that was beside the point. Garrick was ready for vacation. He wanted out of England for a bit. Maybe he could make Mum take him somewhere TROPICAL. That would be a great end to the year.
He doubted Benjy would go.
See Garrick wasn't stupid pr clueless. He knew Benjy had a thing for that disgusting girl with the retched friend. Oh well. He could crash and burn in that if he wanted. Garrick wasn't going to get involved in it.
"I'll be gone most of the break. Have fun with her." Oh he hadn't told Benjy had he? Oh well.
And then Mika got his attention for a moment. She even got a smile. "Hope you have a great summer, Mika. I know I am looking forward to mine," he said with a chuckle.
Lame. He was being lame with people.