Text Cut: Kendall / K1
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Honestly, the entire final week of school had practically been spent hiding out in the library. Not that Kendall really had felt the need to do that much reading, but after the dementors had apparently been all over the castle, she’d been afraid to go anywhere else. She’d gone back to the tower to sleep, using the last few knuts in her bag, but other than that, she’d been kind of a hermit. It was the last night, though, and the end or term feast, so she’d decided to venture out again. As far as she could tell, the dementors had gone elsewhere, and there hadn’t been any other creature invasions. Headmistress Truebridge probably wouldn’t have even let the feast happen if there was still danger, so she was going to venture out. Besides, she missed a lot of people who she figured hadn’t known where she’d been hiding, and she had to find Patrick at least to see if he could replenish her chocolate stash. It had gotten rather depleted while she’d been on guard against the dementors. She had enough to get through until the train ride was over if she rationed, but other than that she needed more. Plus, she just needed her boyfriend.
First, though, she headed for her own house table. The very mood in the room had tinted the pink streaks in her hair kind of purplish, with the rest of her auburn hair faintly indigo as well, but she didn’t bother worrying about that getting notice. Nobody really seemed to be trying to be observant anyway, although she’d listened in as Mo and the group he’d been sitting with mentioned cannolis, giving the younger Claw boy and the others a smile. She’d pulled out another small chocolate bar and started nibbling at it as she kept walking, looking for the perfect spot to sit at, intentionally dropping another onto the table in front of Mika. If anything, she knew the blonde would appreciate it, and the smile she’d sent with it before she settled into a seat not far from where Katrina was, well, being stared at by Elise. She figured she could talk to the blonde Slytherin later, once the now-hugging was done with, but she did give her another quiet smile. Quiet Kendall wasn’t normal, but she couldn’t find it in her to be hyper after everything else this term. Half the staff members didn’t even look like they were there yet, which made her suspicious. This wasn’t like every other feast she’d been to over her six terms at Hogwarts, and it was just weird and depressing and just bad.
Tonight... is the night of the saddest End of Term feast ever.
After the little farewell (more to come during the Train ride) to her best friend Elise, Kat had noticed another familiar Ravenclaw not too far away from her position. Yeah, she looked weird just standing there and staring at people but she didn't have much to do now because she was still trying to accept the fact she would have to go through her seventh year with Elise. But she had to push that thought away for now because she had other Ravenclaw friends to acknowledge. The prefect returned K1's smile. "
Hi Kendall," the soon-to-be seventh year greeted.
Maybe they could chat, yeah? Catch up with each other because ever since that dementor attack, Kat barely saw her Ravenclaw friend and her chocolates. At least she had the chocolate with her so that the soul suckers didn't exactly do much damage.
Text Cut: Elise
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It was just staring, for quite a long time. Elise could hardly open her mouth to speak and she wasn't sure that she wanted to anymore. Was this how it felt to be a graduating student? Just standing there, wanting to hug everyone and everything but at the same time wanting to just try and memorize every part of the castle while they still could? It wasn't easy, that was for sure. It was probably worse that she wasn't even going to get to be a seventh year but life-changing opportunities couldn't just be passed up like that.
But when her bestie hugged her, she pretty much lost that tiny degree of self-control she had left. It was like she just realized that she wouldn't be there to goof off with Kat behind the Professors' backs or injure her in a match. She wouldn't be able to squeal with excitement over the most random of things and she would miss that, a lot more than she'd thought she would.
"I'll miss y-you," she whispered, a single tear running down her cheek. It was probably a good thing that she wasn't facing her table because if they saw her cry, she'd never quite forgive herself. The fact remained, though.
She was't coming back next year.
Nope. This was way too much.
Kat wasn't going to cry, really. She'd save that for when Elise would exactly leave. And never come back. She wanted to spend the last day in Diagon Alley and maybe just... pretend none of them were leaving. Honestly, Kat didn't know why she allowed Elise to go... but it was something you can't just forget about. An offer that big isn't something that is given to a person everyday. But the consequences were always. bad. Her best friend wouldn't be here to complete their seventh year together but at least she'd be home-schooled. Kat would visit her once in a while and make sure Elise's lame excuse of a sister didn't plan on hurting her. Protective best friend, that was it.
She still remained clinging to Elise and not wanting to let go. The Slytherin couldn't care less how weird she looked like at the moment because when it came to just her and her best friend, Kat didn't care what other people think of them. They'd have to deal with it. Only they just don't know what it felt like to be in Kat's shoes. To be left by her bestest friend since forever. "
I'll... miss you too," Kat said and blinked a few times because the tears were about to fall too. Ugh, she wasn't going to show weakness. Not tonight at least. "
You'll be okay... right?" What's a Kat without an Elise?