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Old 08-05-2013, 02:55 AM   #24 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Yarborough
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emerald Peridot "Dot" Ainsley
Seventh Year

Default Elise...Ethan/Minnie...some Ogden, Kendall and snag her if you want.

SPOILER!!: Elise
Originally Posted by iceblossom22 View Post
Elise was interrupted from her sea of thoughts by someone greeting her with her title. Smiling a little, she looked up and offered Nigel a finger-wiggle. No matter how much she may have told the guy to call her Elise, he was as stubborn as a rock. It was probably something she was going to miss the most about the guy. "Hey, Nigel," she said, slightly later than she should have. It didn't matter, though. Nope.

It was Mo, sliding rather happily into the seat next to her on the bench. His grin was pretty contagious and Elise was kind of smiling too. The thought of birthdays being stolen was really quite genius. Did he come up with that term? If he did, Elise was pretty proud of him even if she really had no reason to be. Nodding a little, she turned to face the Branxton.

"I'm sure you guys will."

He was a Ravenclaw, he could figure out what she meant.

Elise hardly noticed her hair being ruffled when Mika pretty much bounced into the Great Hall, looking like she'd swallowed the sun or something like that. The beaming was really quite blinding. Blushing a light pink, she ducked her head slightly in what was pretty much reflex now. Hide the blush before it got worse.

"Thanks, Mika,"
she smiled, meeting the other blonde Ravenclaw's eyes. "It's a team effort. I couldn't have captained half as well if I didn't have such an amazing, supportive team. You're all the best, so thank you. I'm really sure you guys'll get the cup next term." Or maybe not? Whatever happened, she couldn't be more proud of them. They had the best sportsmanship she'd ever seen, even if they hadn't won the Cup that term. Either cup.

Elise was not very discreetly staring at the Slytherin table, looking for certain people that she wanted to see before she left for the last time. Not just the boyfriend, but the bestie. Maybe even the Slytherin Quidditch Captain. She didn't want to leave on bad terms with people and she'd make amends with Montmoroncy on the train. If she could hold herself together long enough, that was.

Seeing neither of them there, Elise was somewhat disappointed but they were probably running late. Chris wasn't known to be early and Montmorency was probably trying to savour his last moments in the dungeons. Kat, though. Where was she? She was usually early for this sort of stuff, which struck Elise as weird.

Then, feeling a tap on her shoulder Elise turned around. Blue eyes meeting green ones, she got out of the bench and stood numbly for a while. Yeah, Kat. She was just going to stare at you for a little while, okay?


Mika just nodded at what Elise had said – she was right. They had done a good job and heck not getting bent out of shape about their standings was the best part. Since really…the cup wasn’t the most important thing was it? Well…sure she wouldn’t have minded getting the house cup but they would, eventually. It wasn’t until she had over heard what Elise had said to Kat that she realized…miss her? Why was she going to miss her.

No…nope, no this wasn’t happening, the blond had just really started getting to know her captain and now she realized she wasn’t coming back. Grumble.Grumble. “So…um, I hope summer and things treats you well” she smiled softly a slightly knowing smile flitting across her face.

SPOILER!!: Awesome!Face Chocolate-loving Girl
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Honestly, the entire final week of school had practically been spent hiding out in the library. Not that Kendall really had felt the need to do that much reading, but after the dementors had apparently been all over the castle, she’d been afraid to go anywhere else. She’d gone back to the tower to sleep, using the last few knuts in her bag, but other than that, she’d been kind of a hermit. It was the last night, though, and the end or term feast, so she’d decided to venture out again. As far as she could tell, the dementors had gone elsewhere, and there hadn’t been any other creature invasions. Headmistress Truebridge probably wouldn’t have even let the feast happen if there was still danger, so she was going to venture out. Besides, she missed a lot of people who she figured hadn’t known where she’d been hiding, and she had to find Patrick at least to see if he could replenish her chocolate stash. It had gotten rather depleted while she’d been on guard against the dementors. She had enough to get through until the train ride was over if she rationed, but other than that she needed more. Plus, she just needed her boyfriend.

First, though, she headed for her own house table. The very mood in the room had tinted the pink streaks in her hair kind of purplish, with the rest of her auburn hair faintly indigo as well, but she didn’t bother worrying about that getting notice. Nobody really seemed to be trying to be observant anyway, although she’d listened in as Mo and the group he’d been sitting with mentioned cannolis, giving the younger Claw boy and the others a smile. She’d pulled out another small chocolate bar and started nibbling at it as she kept walking, looking for the perfect spot to sit at, intentionally dropping another onto the table in front of Mika. If anything, she knew the blonde would appreciate it, and the smile she’d sent with it before she settled into a seat not far from where Katrina was, well, being stared at by Elise. She figured she could talk to the blonde Slytherin later, once the now-hugging was done with, but she did give her another quiet smile. Quiet Kendall wasn’t normal, but she couldn’t find it in her to be hyper after everything else this term. Half the staff members didn’t even look like they were there yet, which made her suspicious. This wasn’t like every other feast she’d been to over her six terms at Hogwarts, and it was just weird and depressing and just bad.

And then her attention was taken by something being placed in front of her. It was none other than a bar, a delicious bar of mouth watering chocolate. OHMERLIN! She tipped her head up and beamed at Kendall. “Thanks Kendall – is this one of Patrick’s creations?” She asked beaming at the girl as she glanced at the mouth-watering morsel of chocolate that sat in front of her. It was nice that her fellow metamorphagus’ beau was the slytherin hero…hero of chocolate that was.

SPOILER!!: The Ogden
Originally Posted by Eriin View Post
Eyes straight ahead. If he glimpsed that harpy he might vomit on her existence. Mhm. So with a smile on his face, Garrick slid into a seat near Dora and propped his chin in his hand.

"Glad this year is over, everyone?" He was. He could get to the beach now. And like... he didn't have to worry about running into people (a particular person really) that were dead to him.


Now where was Benjy? And Blue? WHERE WAS BLUUUUUUUE?

Then she noticed movement…someone had just slid into a seat not so far off from her and across the table. Glancing over she just blinked a bit. Ogden was smiling. Like HUGE smiles and all… ”Heck yeah this school year being over is nice, even if I’ll miss some friends…but not the food.” there was no way she would miss the food at all.

its too sad to i didn't.

Shakespeare? Someone was reciting Shakespeare and glancing up she just felt her chin wibble slightly. Ethan was leaving wasn’t he? And that meant Minnie would be alone next term.

”Hey Ethan, Minnie” she gave them a quick BIG smile…even if it was a slightly sad smile. She’d miss seeing the awesome keeper in action.

IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
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