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Old 08-04-2013, 03:40 AM   #11 (permalink)
Casey O

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Join Date: Jun 2012
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Admiratrice des Maraudeurs | C-Rizzle | THE Best Snuggler

Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post

Sophie BEAMED at the new girl when she said she loved ice cream. "I don't, really, but THIS one is BRILLIANT!" Oh, had she said that yet? Her bad! But it was truly amazing, yep yep yep!

OHEEEY, see how this girl was nice!! Complimenting her Charms work and stuff! She got a toothy grin from the fifth year that was still on the floor near the barrels. "Thank you!! I love Charms!!" SHE LOVED THEM OH SO MUCH LIKE WHOA HEHEHE!!! Best thing EVER! AfterMordredbutstill. SO AWESOME!

"HELLOOOOO, MARIGOLD!!" Sophie literally yelled, waving her hand frantically at the girl in front of her. "That's a nice name!!! Nice to meet yoooouuu!!" Especially because she had accepted the ice cream. Marigold was good people, she was indeed, yep. "I'm Sophie!" Had she already said that? Yes? No? Yes? She didn't recall, but it was alright. Life was beautiful and ohmy look at that painting on the wall there, how NICE!

Sophie looked back at Marigold with a question-mark expression on her face. Bunny? OHRIGHT!!! BRADY! "I lost him!" The brunette turned around on spot, stiillll crawling on the floor and squeezed her face between two barrels again. "It's Brady!" Could Marigold her hear? Sophie was pretty sure she could. Or maybe she should speak a bit louder?

The badger looked at her younger housemate again. "Could you help me find hiimmm??? He's white, fluffy and cute." Yehhhhh, but Sophie had no idea if he was actually hiding there. Who knew? Who. Knew?

Not her.
After a few more bites of ice cream, Marigold was yelling along with Sophie.

YOUR BUNNY SOUNDS CUTE!" she said energetically. She looked around sporadically, then stopped. "I'M JUST GONNA TAKE A BREAK AND EAT ICE CREAM! Because ICE!CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!

She gulped down more and more ice cream. And more.

"THIS ICE CREAM IS GOOD. Don't you think?" she asked. Suddenly, a flash of white appeared in front of her.

"OH. IS THIS YOUR BUNNY?" She scooped the fluff and SHNUGGLED it up. Argh, it was so cute! She wanted to eat it with ice cream.

But she would settle with just ice cream right now.
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