~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Then Ella and Tobias joined them at the Table. "Hey, guys,'' he said. "And no, we don't mind,'' he added referring to the stuffed elephant and monkey. He grinned a bit. No use being mopy about this. It would be a lot better if he just tried to make the most of these last moments. "All the best with the remaining years, Tobias. And you too, Ella, for OWLS.'' The firstie was a hard working one. And speaking of firsties. Where was Kace?
Jory looked around again to Laura arrive and he instantly flashed back to the Arithmancy finals a few terms ago for which he and Laura had partnered up. Too bad they hadn't done so a few more times.
And then Min arrived. Jory felt as if he would absolutely die. Min was one of his really good friends and he would miss her terribly. No more friendly banter about who would get more points for the term. He looked away, not trusting himself to look at her. He had promised himself he would not have any tears in his eyes. Goodbyes were hard enough already and tears just made everything ten times worst. However, he did greet her."Hey, Min.''
Thankfully, he was distracted by Oakey. "Oh, well... forever, I suppose,'' the badger replied. "I was just sitting in the dorm. Haven't even managed to pack as yet.'' How was it he and Oakey shared a dorm for seven years but had never hung out much? "Hey, still aiming for Gringotts?'' He smiled a bit at the memory of their internship at the Bank two years ago.