zigzag zigzag stop....zigzag zigzag stop...
Hearing the Professors really tired voice, Daichi stopped practising to look back down. As he listened to the instructions the man was giving , he tried to store everything in his brain so that he wouldn't make a mistake later and then nodded very slowly.
"Okay....Nubcio..Nubcio...does it mean anything Si---
"YAH! WAKE UP!" he shouted as he held his hands on his hips before moving them to fold his arms over each other in front of his chest and his lower lip began to tremble.
"If you don't want to teach me the spell, sir. Just say it!" he said
"No one likes me anyways so it's okay..."
He had already speculated with Minnie that these feelings of loneliness were caused by the syrup they both had eaten but right now he wasn't thinking about that.
He still wanted to learn the spell though, so after a 30 seconds or so of standing with his arms folded he lowered them again and began to practise. zigzag zigzag
"Nubcio!" ...nothing.
"Nubcio!" zigzag... BANG! A small explosion had caused his hair to poof in every direction possible and he had to cough loudly as he inhaled the smoke accidentally.
He waved his wand arm to wave away the smoke rapidly but upon doing so , he accidentally lost his grip and it fell out of his hand and on to the ground. Right at the moment it touch the ground, the wand was pointing DIRECTLY at the Professor and a red light flew his way...