Thread: Armour Gallery
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Old 08-02-2013, 11:09 PM   #13 (permalink)
Hey Ju

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Brenna Kavanaugh
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Default asdfghjkl finally! And... old TL, I guess xD GleeIceCream stuff still!

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Hannah eyed the girl with a nasty smirk on her face. She wondered if the girl was trying to make a smart remark or if she was really just dim? It was most likely the latter. You couldn't really expect much from people these days. "Of course you do! Who could forget the fabulous me?" She said with a fake smile that lit up her whole face, while she did a little twirl. Oh yes, she was in rare form today!

"Yes, you think I am nasty, I think you are a duffer..." among other things. They were both well aware of how they felt about each other. "I'm surprised you are even speaking to me at all." Oh yes she remembered how soapy handled 'stressful' situations. She had noticed that she had been gone huh? "Yes, well... I had some personal things going on." Pause. "Nothing that concerns you, I can assure you." Like drop it puff!

Why was she still on the floor? The way she was staring at the ceiling was starting to make Hannah worry about her mental well being. "Plan on staying down there long?" Maybe the girl didn't even realize she was still on the floor. Nothing would surprise Hannah when it came to this one. She was trying to feed an animal ice cream? No wonder the thing was running from her. "Maybe you would have better luck with something more animal like for food?" she said with a shrug. She was pretty sure that animals did not eat ice cream, unless it was a dog. She was over the whole pet thing anyways. Maybe she should stall the hufflepuff so her pet could have a fighting chance.

Before Hannah had a chance to register what was happening next she noticed the girl had sent her a bowl of ice cream. "Trust you?" Did she really expect for that to happen. Hannah had toppled tea over her head before and things like that did not go forgotten. Hannah blasted the flying bowl out of the way and watched it smack into the armors. It could have been worse... she could have shot it back at Soaps. She instantly wished that she had thought of that sooner. "Little advice dear, make sure somebody wants something before you practically shove it down their throats." she said in her ever condescending voice.
Sophie let out a loud and cheerful laughter at Hannah's remark about her fabulousness. Even though the girl was so evil, the badger couldn't help but consider her hilarious. It hadn't been a mocking kind of laughter, it had been a genuine, that-was-tremendously-funny kind of laughter, really!

HAHA! Oh man... Sophie laughed at the ceiling a bit more, holding her tummy as she rolled sideways to be able to sit down. She wiped the tears of laughter that were now streaming down her face and brushed her hair off her face. "Of course I'm talking to you!" The brunette finally said happily. "Only mean people, like you, ignore other people." It wasn't nice to ignore people, even if they were meanie heads like Hannah. Only if they were hurting you on purpose, then it was alright to do so, but reallyyyyyy! Hannah was just being really funny right now, so no need to ignore her! Hehehehe!

"Hmmmm, personal thingsssssss...!" Sophie chuckled, not because this was particularly funny, but... well, she just felt like chuckling. Life was good and preeeeetty funneehhh at the moment, HAH! Another giggling fit took place as the Hufflepuff looked up at the snake girl. Look at that FACE, HAHAHA! Awww maaaan! HILARIOUS!

So she lay on the floor again. The ceiling was pretty, so... "Yeah, why not? It's nice here, I can see all sorts of different things from this angle." Then Sophie blabbed on about how interesting that certain helmet looked from where she was and stuff. She was in a talkative mood today! Woooooo! What a HAPPY day!

WHAAAAAT??? Sophie GASPED dramatically when Hannah said her bunny rabbit would appreciate real animal food. "But this ice cream...!" She said exaggeratedly, sitting back up and motioning to the preciooouuusss ice cream. "This!! Is heavenly!" Like, FROM THE HEAVENS, YEUP. "It's amaziing and everyone LVOES it! Or they will, once they try it." Nod nod nod nod. It was true, mhm! Sophie herself didn't like ice cream that much, and she just LOVED th-- ANOTHER DRAMATIC GAAASSSPPPP!!! as Hannah slapped the bowl of ice cream away.

Tsk, what a waste.

"I didn't shove it down your throat!" Whoa, such a drama queen, this Hannah girl, hm? Sophie beamed at the Slytherin anyway. "That's alright, you can eat it later!" And with a swish of her wand, the bowl flipped back to normal, with the ice cream in it and all, as if nothing had happened. Sophie made it floooooat towards the girl again, but not toooooo close.

She was hyper but she knew Hannah all right.

Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
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