SPOILER!!: Firth and Oakey Worm
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"Tell that ter half of Hufflepuff!" he said with a smile. Gummy worms seemed to be a favorite among the Badgers.
"Yup, I have 'em on a good diet." Plus they were natural foragers, so they pretty much ate everything ever. "I'd imagine so. I've never actually seen tha' happen, Oakey, bu' it seems possible." Logical, but sort of gross. Well, from his perspective it was, at least.
He nodded. "Yes, go see 'Bee! She'll be happy ter see yeh." She liked visitors, especially if they pet her. "Yeh're welcome, Ella." He liked these two.
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DJ ExpelliarMOOSE
"Thank you, Bonny" Oakey said with a smile to the cow, and he walked along side his Captain to the Calf. Now it was Oakey's turn to role his eyes at Ella, as the two of them walked from Bonny to Truebee. "What, no. It's probably not intentional. It'd be like if you sneaked a gummy worm into my Veggie Drinks." Oakey nodded along with what Mr.Firth said as well. "Yeah that, and I just don't see the appeal in Gummy snacks."
That stuff, seriously if Romanos hadn't made them do all those work outs this term they'd have gained 20lbs from all the junk intake.
Ella grinned. Mostly because she liked to credit herself with the current gummy worm craze in the Hufflepuff house and she
knew how much it irritated Oakey. She liked to think it was their brother-sister bond that allowed her to find such amusement in things that annoyed him. Heh.
"I can't imagine worms are tasty." Ella said quietly, nose wrinkled in distaste. As for slipping a gummy worm in one of Oakey's veggie drinks, the blonde smiled at the older badger mischievously.
"Don't tempt me, Oakey Worm." Pooooke.
When they got to the enclosure, Ella approached the baby!cow with a dreamy smile on her face.
N'awww, what a little cutie pie!
"Hello there, Truebee." She'd gotten bigger since Ella had last seen her. That was a good sign, yeah?
"Isn't she adorable, Oakey?" Beam! And then the sixteen year old gently began to pat the calf on the top of her head, careful not to scare her.
Was she doing this right?