Thread: The Play Room
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Old 08-02-2013, 12:42 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Default I've always been here... hehe

Desmond had been standing at the back of the group throughout the meeting, as he arrived later than the others and only caught up once they were entering the play room. He listened as Dorian took charge and nodded when he felt appropriate, such as when the Chief Inspector mentioned the repossession in Hogwarts and when the Labritory Director mentioned Vault 713. He thought that the theft from Vault 713 was more important, but they were both serious.

Although he did find it hilarious that his little brother had to eat with plastic cutlery.

When the woman (boss lady) went to fetch the Goblins, he decided to step forward and explain why he was there. As much as he wanted to go and look around in the vault for clues, he knew that Elinorand whoever she took with her would do the job no problem. What was the point in three people doing the same job when two was more than enough? So he decided to stay and help Dorian. Goblins were tricky, and he thought that since his job did involve investigating, that he could help.

He took a step forward, moving towards the front of the group and inclined his head to the security man. He thought that it would be best if the man was aware of his presence, just in case his wand hand got twitchy. "My name is Desmond Campbell" He introduced himself. He did this for the man and advisor's benefit, as he was sure his MLE collegues knew who he was. "I'm working with the Magical Law Enforcement Squad who are also looking for information about the goblin repossession Hogwarts, and also into the recent reports of theft from Vault 713"

He knew that he would probablt have to repeat himself to the goblins, but what was the harm in breaking the ice with the humans?
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