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Old 08-01-2013, 02:38 AM   #16 (permalink)
Albert Kettleburn
Minister for Magic
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Ministry
Posts: 175

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post

That was her cue to enter. Victoria pushed open the door and stepped inside the office. A quick look around the familiar office. Still the same. She just was curious. Female interest in redecorating department, nothing more. Though her eyes only took one tour before she quickly turned her gaze to the man seated behind the the desk.

"Good day, sir," She said to the minister.

"Victoria Smith, Front Desk secretary," In case he was wondering who on Earth was she. The blond stood waiting to be told what was requested of her.

It wouldn't really hurt to take another look around while she stood. And like, memorize the new minister's features. Looks spoke a lot you know. Sheer curiosity possessed her. Kind of happened whenever there was a dramatic change. Pretty justified.

Ah, the front desk was here. Perfect. Albert gestured toward another chair, this one just to the side of his desk. It was always ideal to have a receptionist available... Albert really found them to be invaluable.

"Pleased to meet you, Ms. Smith. Please join us. I'm about to speak with Warfield here, but I wanted to have a word with you as well. But first... how are things in the outer office? Any issues you want to raise to our attention?" Because Albert found receptionists so invaluable, he made sure to take care of his staff. All of them.
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