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"I think I'll be over rested, if anything," he answered. Because all he wanted to do was sleep. And rest. And sleep. And mope. And sleep. And rest.
Except his heart was still racing a bit from Elise's episode a moment ago.
Aidan chuckled at her answer. "That's a good reason to study down here." Don't wanna mess with Beezus, no sir. He, for different reasons. Beezus liked to ruffle his hair and call him 'kid' and treat him like a child. Pfft.
"What're you reading? I think I'll get a book, too..." Maybe he'd read the same book? Or something similar? Or she had something to suggest? Or he'll just find something he would like on his own. He could always do that.
Nodding mutely at Aidan, Elise had to agree. An angry Beezus was a lethal one and that was one creature that nobody wanted to mess with. Oh, he wanted to know what she was reading now? Lifting the book to show him the cover, she grinned sheepishly. It was a cheesy muggle romance novel by Nicholas Sparks. Not that she didn't enjoy reading facts but sometimes a little fiction went a long way.
"You do that," she nodded.
Maybe she'd even smooth her Gandr out a little bit. Casually stroking the wood, she tried to count the days since she'd taken the wood. If she'd counted it right, she was due to go on and start carving soon. Soon being in about two days.