AR project post #23 Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight
Toby entered the Ancient runes class looking SUPER pleased with himself. He was nearly finished with the assignment and even if he didn't do it brilliantly or if he got things wrong that was OKAY because he'd TRIED and put a lot of devotion into it. His named tutor at his old school had always told him, as long as you TRY for your work to be the best it can be, then you've already accomplished it.
So yeah, given the amount of time this was taking, this was clearly THE MOST effort he'd every put into doing homework and that was awesome. He really wanted to impress Botros, though he wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe because the man was so nice or because Tobias was a fan of the shoulder pats.
It didn't matter. What mattered was that Toby was TRYING SUPER SUPER HARD.
He eyed the things that had been set out, such as the red pigments for reddening the runes. But Tobias had already done that part with the Tiver his grandfather had sent (who had in turn procured it from a friend who owned a farm... it was good to have connections). But the stuff for personalising the wands looked pretty neat, and Tobias wandered over to have a gander.
After a moment's distraction, the Hufflepuff kind of shook his head like a dog trying to rid its ears of water, and moved over to the beeswax tank on the floor. He just went ahead and dipped the wand in sideways, making sure he walk!rolled it between his fingers so it would also be sealed on the parts where he was holding it.
Once he'd made sure the Gandr was completely covered, Tobias set it aside to dry, which he hoped wouldn't take too long, and looked back to the desk with the pretty things on it.
Just as he was about to pick a bead, and a ribbon, Toby gently smacked his palm against his head in a kind of 'duhhhhh' way as he remembered something. Leaving the Gandr where it was so it would dry, Toby dashed out of the classroom and headed towards the kitchen level corridor. He would be back to personalise the Gandr but first he had to retrieve something from his dorm which was kind of perfect for this.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |