AR project post #15 Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight
Tobias RACED to the his special Hazel tree as quickly as he possibly could. He was a lot later than usual today, because... well... the day had been an odd one.
Sometimes Toby had Quiet Days, where he had very little energy, but his thoughts still raced like usual. This meant he was distracted much more easily and had to focus DOUBLY hard on his classes. When the last bell had rang, Tobias had returned to the common room and planned to sit down for five minutes before doing some Gandr smoothing. But the sofas in the Hufflepuff common room were ridiculously comfortable and as soon as he'd sunk into one Tobias had fallen straight to sleep. It was only when a kind fifth year woke him up, saying something about how he needed to make sure he ate and then stayed awake so he could get to sleep that night, that Toby realised what he'd done.
As soon as he'd gathered his gloved and a knut so he could get back inside when he was done, Tobias had come straight to Hazel. They were nearing dusk, and the sun was starting to set later as the seasons wore on, so there wasn't very long until dusk. "Sorry Hazel, weird day," Toby murmured to the tree, retrieving the Gandr that was now coming along quite nicely. He was still feeling tired and sat with has back up against the trunk of Hazel before starting the work at the surface with his gloved hands. Every now and then Tobias glanced up to make sure nobody was storming towards him all angry, because he didn't put it past himself not to fall asleep again.
Still, he was committed to spending his regular hour at the tree, and though he yawned an awful lot, and his eyes stung, Tobias worked and worked at the Gandr. He was about two thirds of the way in the the moon cycle, and though there were still parts of the wand that needed attention in order to get them to their smoothest, Tobias had every confidence in his ability to get it done on time. He started paying special attention to the parts that needed more smoothing down and kneading out in that sitting, resolving to start making sure he was about done other the coming days.
The Gandr was now pretty much straight from each angle when Tobias rolled it between his fingers in front of his eyes; all the bumps and stuff had gone and it felt like a super super basic wand. It was actually starting to look like a wand that had been untreated with whatever magic was on them, and Toby felt proud of himself.
After a particularly long yawn, Tobias checked his watch and noted that he should be getting back to the castle. Dinner was nearly over, but having a common room by the kitchens was a MAJOR plus, so he'd be able to make a sandwich or something, or maybe there were some left over treats from home in his trunk.
His mind now straying towards food, Tobias stood again and put the Gandr back up in its temporary home, before pulling off his gloves, tucking them in his pocket, and giving Hazel their usual palm-to-bark moment of communication. "See you tomorrow, Hazel. I'll actually be on time, too."
This evening, Tobias strolled back to the castle, rather than anything too exhausting.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |