be curious, not judgmental The Quidditch Official gave an encouraging nod, smile, and elbow-nudge to Ella's side as she seemed hesitant, but as the girl began her speech, James may have shed a little bit of a tear. Just a bit. Ella had been a superb role model for the Hufflepuffs and ALL students the whole term and Erin couldn't have been happier with all the truths the captain was speaking. She was SO RIGHT. When she was finished, James applauded loudly right along with Alec, Wade, and Tobias then pulled Ella in for a brief side-hug and whispered, "Beautifully done."
Reaching into her pocket to pull out three medals, James opened her mouth to announce individual awards when the too-familiar chill crept into the room. Ella's speech had been TOO good, apparently, and the dementors had felt it and come to feast. Erin was TIRED of this and SO ANGRY and she glared as they dared to enter the Hufflepuff common room, a haven for peace. Fueled by that anger, James pocketed the medals and pulled out her wand, ready to cast her own patronus when-... whoa, whoa, WHOA! Hey! Cool! Reinforcements! The silver moose and tiger patronuses were already on the prowl, and another student seemed to have tried and sent out a nice silvery mist.
If she hadn't needed to conjure one, too, as it was her job to protect the students, James probably would've cried proud tears all over her Hufflepuffs and hugged 'em all. What bravery.
Alas, with an exclamation of, "EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Erin's massive bear patronus joined in with the other three, hers leaping right at the group of dementors to protect her Hufflepuff bear cubs ... badger cubs ... y'know.
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