Thread: The Pathways
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Old 07-29-2013, 05:48 PM   #240 (permalink)
Gladrags Mod

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

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Default Post #13; AR assignment
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Right... so according to the steps, he had to... walk around the base of the tree, sprinkle the bark bits and SING A SONG. SING. Him. SINGING.

He was starting to feel really... really sorry for this tree.

Alec took out the pouch that had the bark bits inside and a small piece of parchment that had his song written out on it. He cleared his throat, as if announcing to the tree that a) he was going to be singing and b) he was going to be bad at it but c) he was going to try anyways. He emptied out the contents of the pouch onto his hand. There.

"Birch, birch, you're a really awesome tree! You gave one of your branches to me!" he sang... badly... whilst sprinkling the base of the tree with the bark bits with one hand and touching the trunk of the tree with another, "So this song is for you... as a way for me to say thank you!" ... Because... this was a thank you song. But there was more of that to come.

One... last... verse...

"Thanks for the branch and thanks for being you... thanks for being the twigs in my broom too!" Even if the specific twigs on his broom didn't come from this particular tree. Maybe it would tell its friends that he said thanks too? "Thanks for not attracting a single flea! And most of all, thanks for listening to me!" That last part was VERY important.

And... he was done, yeah? The song was finished and he had managed to sprinkle the bark bits onto the base of the tree. AWESOME.


Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella didn't want to let Alec go seeing as moments ago she thought he was going to get a dementor's kiss and she was still shaken up. It was only when Tag spoke up that she remembered she wasn't the only one there that wanted to see how the hair ruffler was doing. Reluctantly she let him go but reached for his hand, lacing her fingers through his absently. She just wanted to keep him near her, know he was there and okay.

Her green eyes traveled up to Tag and she gave him a faint smile. "Your did a corporeal one." Captain Obvious and all but Ella was impressed. She was also thankful that he'd been there. That Syltherin boy too. He got a faint smile as well. Her chin wobbled a bit at Tag's comment and the sixteen year old gave Alec's hand a little squeeze, not wanting to look directly at him cause she knew she'd cry.

"We you get inside, Alec." She said after a few minutes, glancing sideways at him and then up at Tag and the other boy. It wasn't safe to be out there.
The sudden touch of someone's hand on his made the boy jump a little before looking down. ... Oh. It was just Ella's hand. That was okay. The corner of his lips twitched a little, a smile threatening to spread itself across them.

When she spoke, though, he looked up at her and then over at Tag. A corporeal Patronus? Really? "Mate, that's... that's really impressive!" And which one was his corporeal patronus? Because... there had been two, right? A terrier and a cheetah... and they... had managed to send off the Dementors along with Ella's... what was Ella's patronus?

... Too many questions...

Inside... inside... yeah... "Yeah... erm... we... we all need some chocolate, yeah?" Chocolate was definitely what they needed. And maybe some hugs too.
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