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Hey Ju
Those were some nice armours, those were. No wonder they had so many of those around Hogwarts. Or something? At least they did look very similiar in Sophie's opinion.
Ohai, Hannah! "No, I know who you are!" Sophie told the girl, blinking partially confused, but with a half-smile still on her face. "You're nasty!" Gigggggggggggggggllllee. Hannah was a big meanie head indeed, Sophie knew that! "But I thought you were gone! Haven't seen you around lately." She added absentmindedly, looking back at those nice-looking armours.
"Yes, yes, my pet!" Was Hannah deafffff??? Hehehehehehehehehe! Sophie bet she was. The Hufflepuff lay on the floor looking up at the ceiling and gestured with her hands as she spoke. "Noo, he does. It's just that he doesn't want some of that awesome ice cream I was going to give him."
OH, speaking of THAT! Sophie quickly sat back up and smiled at Hannah. A weird smile, because she knew that it was Hannah right there, but this badger over here was having such a LOVELY day, and she was finding herself so HAPPY that day as well, she figureeed.... well, why NOT? "Would you like some??? I have plentyyyyyyyyyyyyy here!" And she pulled out the bowl again, along with her wand and, ooonce again without waiting for a response, the fifth year cast the Doubling Charm on the bowl and made it float towards the eviiilllll snake. "Here you go! It's nottttt poisoned, trust me!" GIGGGGGGGLE.
Hannah eyed the girl with a nasty smirk on her face. She wondered if the girl was trying to make a smart remark or if she was really just dim? It was most likely the latter. You couldn't really expect much from people these days.
"Of course you do! Who could forget the fabulous me?" She said with a fake smile that lit up her whole face, while she did a little twirl. Oh yes, she was in rare form today!
"Yes, you think I am nasty, I think you are a duffer..." among other things. They were both well aware of how they felt about each other.
"I'm surprised you are even speaking to me at all." Oh yes she remembered how soapy handled 'stressful' situations. She had noticed that she had been gone huh?
"Yes, well... I had some personal things going on." Pause.
"Nothing that concerns you, I can assure you." Like drop it puff!
Why was she still on the floor? The way she was staring at the ceiling was starting to make Hannah worry about her mental well being.
"Plan on staying down there long?" Maybe the girl didn't even realize she was still on the floor. Nothing would surprise Hannah when it came to this one. She was trying to feed an animal ice cream? No wonder the thing was running from her.
"Maybe you would have better luck with something more animal like for food?" she said with a shrug. She was pretty sure that animals did not eat ice cream, unless it was a dog. She was over the whole pet thing anyways. Maybe she should stall the hufflepuff so her pet could have a fighting chance.
Before Hannah had a chance to register what was happening next she noticed the girl had sent her a bowl of ice cream.
"Trust you?" Did she really expect for that to happen. Hannah had toppled tea over her head before and things like that did not go forgotten. Hannah blasted the flying bowl out of the way and watched it smack into the armors. It could have been worse... she could have shot it back at Soaps. She instantly wished that she had thought of that sooner.
"Little advice dear, make sure somebody wants something before you practically shove it down their throats." she said in her ever condescending voice.