So late but this looks like fun! (Part 1) Ravenpuff Girl / \ Bookworm and Music lover
When it was her turn, Orr and her gargoyle, Shadow, nervously took their position on the stage. Actually it was Orr who took the stage as Shadow literally became its namesake and turned into Orr's shadow becoming all all smokey and dark like trying to hide from the audience.
Orr greeted the audience a little nervously not noticing what Shadow had done, "'Ello everyone. ...My gargoyle and I will perform an amazing routine of acrobatics and flame work. And now may I present to you Shadow!!"
She looked to her right where Shadow should have been but saw nothing. "Shadow!"
She turned around quickly and saw the smokey dark shape of Shadow hovering behind her, "Shadow!!" She cried, "Come on, don't do this to me."
She sound like on the verge of tears and fortunately the gargoyle was a softhearted creature and with a huge red flame reappeared and sort of headbutted Orr in apology.
Orr smiled and hugged the gargoyle back whispering, "Thank you! Just imagine that we are still practicing and it is just the two of us, alright?" before turning to the audience and proclaiming, "The Magnificent Shadow!"
Immediately, Shadow started to change into another flaming shape before floating up in the air to do some lazy somersaults before coming to land lightly next to Orr back in its original shape.
Orr smiled at him before continuing to say to the audience who were clapping, "Thank you! Now Shadow will demonstrate some of his flame work!"
__________________ When you're ready come and get it, nah nah nah, nah nah nah, nah nah nah. |