Elise was't exactly the happiest Ravenclaw at this party thing but she was far from being in an 'Aidan mood'. No, she was just meditating on life and how little it meant if you win the match but lose the cup. Quite saddening, really, but what could she do? The game was over and there was nothing she could do to change that, especially now that all timeturners were destroyed. What a waste.
Just thinking about how much better it would have been if she had actually just hit Penelope with that bludger. How utterly and totally disappointing. It disgusted her to think that she hadn't even stuck with the first rule of being a Beater.
Originally Posted by
"...I also have a special delivery for Elise Fairfield." James held up the shiny white trophy purposefully. Where was the captain to claim the trophy for everyone? HMMM?
Shuffling into the common room just in time to hear Professor James say her name, she looked around. When did all these decorations happen, anyway?
"I'm here, Professor," she smiled a little weakly, walking towards the lady and slowly taking in all the decoration. It was snowing confetti. How lovely.
Originally Posted by Cassirin;11403728
Mo glanced up when Professor James appeared, his first reaction guilt. The sign was down, they were obviously celebrating in spite of coming in last place... would she be mad? She didn't [i
look[/i] mad. "'Lise isn't here yet, Professor, but maybe Ethan can take it? He's our prefect and our only seventh year and he was definitely MVP last game and he's really awesome." He'd taught the fourth year boys to shave, after all.
Mo got a small finger wiggle as if to say "I'm here now?" Gaze flickering between Ethan and Mo and Professor James and the trophy a few times, she shrugged.
"I wouldn't mind letting Ethan take this one. He pretty much saved the match today. He deserves it." Nodding, she waited for the professor lady to say something when suddenly, the room just got a whole lot colder. Then her face just fell and horrible things began to reappear, swimming around and voices. The voices that weren't supposed to even be there anymore. Notagain. It couldn't be another boggart, could it?