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Once he'd taken care of the first knock-back jinx, the Slytherin Captain sped up his jogging/running. Without having to focus on accuracy for a moment, he could just run...
Good thing it was slightly cool in the room. There was no sweat to speak of yet...
Hearing her using the shield again, Dylan took his cue and slowed, gripping his wand tightly in his right hand...This had been a brilliant idea, by the way...He did feel challenged, that much was for sure...
He stopped completely and took aim, trying not to think about it too much. ENDURANCE TRAINING. "Flipendo!" He moved his hand and wand deliberately going through the unusual motion. Check-mark squiggle. Blue light erupted from his wand again and searched out the shielded dummy. It hit it with a bang! and then ricocheted off.
"Again!"...and he was running, once more...
The running was still perplexing her, but Alice had figured Dylan was just trying to challenge himself. Because casting spells while standing was beneath him or something. He was confusing, did he know? She kept eyeing him warily as he jogged around the arena, using another Finite to rid the dummy of its current shield.
"I'm going again, don't rush me." He was acting like he'd eaten some of that ice cream she'd been hyped up on before, wasn't he?
Good thing he didn't eat any sweets because of that Quidditch diet, or she might have been worried.
But right. Shield.
"Contego dummy!" Another upwards zig zag. Was he sweating from all that jogging yet? Alice found him in the arena again and gestured to the dummy with her head.
"Your turn."
His, yep.