Originally Posted by JUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Sophie was still crawling around the barrels, completely sure she would find her pet rabbit there. She squeeeezed her face in between two more barrels and called out for him once more.
Hmmm... no response. Well, OBVIOUSLEEHHH, it was a bunny! It wouldn't RESPOND. Hehehehehehe! Aww, that was going to be harder that she tho--
The brunette was startled when a voice came out of nowhere and looked around frantically to see where it had come from. "OHAI!" She beamed at the girl she didn't know. Huffie colours! She must be NICE! "Yes, please!" The fifth year smileeeedddddddd at the other girl, not really getting up. "I lost my bunny! I was trying to give him this delicious ice cream" Whichhhh, by the way! "Would yooouuuu like to try some? It's amazing!" And once again, without waiting for the response, Sophie used the Doubling Charm to get another identical bowl as the one that was now on the floor next to her.
Of couursseeeee she still had the ice cream with her. DUHH!! Yum.
With another wave of her wand, she incresed the quantity of the delicous wonder and grinned at the other Huffie girl, holding the bowl up so she could taakee ittttt. "It's delicious! I don't like ice cream that much, but THIS is... is GOLD!" Sophie dropped her wand to be able to take another spoonful of her own ice cream before turning to smile at the unkown girl again. "You don't need to be afraid, it was professor Knox who gave it to meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!" SAAFEEEEE, right? She was the CHARMS professor, after all. She totes KNEW what she was doing.
And she was doing a FINE job, mhmm!! Yum.
Marigold took the bowl of ice cream happily.
"I just LOVE ice cream!" she said, ecstatic.
"You did a good job on the charm!" she said through her mouthful of ice cream deliciousness.
"OH! I'm Marigold, by the way!" She giggled.
OH! A missing rabbit, right. She looked around for a telltale... well... tail.
"I don't see your bunny, sorry." she said. Then, a little curious, she asked,
"What's the bunny's name?"