Okay, now that I have recovered from my Colin Morgan fangirling fit, I can say some other peeps that I swoooooooooonnnnnnnnnn over.
Ewan McGregor. HIS VOICE T_____________T it makes me melt every single time I watch/listen to Moulin Rouge. I can't even.
Rupert Grint. Of COURSE! My first celebrity crush EVER xD I was 12 when I started crushing majorly on him, and this lasted until I was about... 16. Hahahaha! He's adorbs
Hmmm... I wouldn't say I crush on him, but
Bradley James is defo hawt, like whoa.
Emile Hirsch. I had a tiny crush on him for a week when I was younger, and letssss face it, he can look quite lovely in some pics, teehee
mah Derek 
Drake Bell was also my crush for a while, because we have the same music taste and all that xP and also we liked pretty much the same stuff, and not only music related stuff. And he's also adorbs :3
Are oldies accepted too? Because
Harrison Ford used to be ZOMG. His smile is just
George Harrison, obviouslyyyyyyyy
Colin Morgan, though, is my ultimate crush atm. He's just too perfect not to be. Haha. Hahaha. KLFSJDNFKJSNJKSNFJKSDFNKDSLJFNSDJKF <33333333
*fangirls all over him*
Oh, and by the way. I don't really have any girl crushes =P haha!