Congratulations, Ravenclaw!
Thanks to a few fourth years, drastic changes have been made to the party. Streamers still hang about, and the floor is covered in white confetti that still falls from the ceiling, but the sign reads something different. Instead of 'Quidditch Cup - 4th Place' it reads 'Ravenclaws: FIRST in FUN'. The furniture has all been moved aside to make room for the large slip and slide that starts at the top of the boys dorms and can slide you all the way out of the common room if you're going fast enough.
Wizrock music blares from a medium sized radio in the corner of the room, making it somewhat difficult, but not impossible to hold a proper conversation without raising your voice some.
That large table with sweets, beverages, and a place for the trophy still sits off to the side, abandoned by most in favor of the slip and slide.
Won't that fourth place trophy look wonderful there?
Until the Official delivers the trophy, help yourself to some refreshments and nourish yourself. Your house has earned it.